Festivals bring joy on their arrival, but you just cannot afford to ignore your oral health. During the festive season, one eats a lots of sweets but you should pamper your teeth and abstain from using them for activities they are not meant to perform. Sweets contains sugar which further lead to tooth decay. Many different types of bacteria live in our mouth. Some are beneficial to our dental health, but others are harmful. A select group of harmful bacteria produce acid in mouth whenever they encounter and digest sugar. These acids remove minerals from the tooth enamel, which is the shiny, protective, outer layer of tooth leading to decay.
Some of the ways in which you can keep your teeth healthy during the festive season are as follows-
⇝ Be careful with what you munch on.With festivals around the corner, and people offering goodies and sweets, you have to be careful of what you’re eating.
If you wear braces, then you have to be more cautious, since these sweets and candies can get stuck in your braces, and turn out to be really difficult to get rid of and will ultimately lead to cavities.
⇝ Be wise, brush twice.Brushing twice helps to keep bacteria away from your teeth and gums.
⇝ During festivals, we decorate our house, and while decorating, many a times we use our teeth as tools to peel a wire, untie knots etc, which harms our teeth.
⇝ Drink lots of water after eating sweets.A glass of water after eating sweets helps wash away the remnants of food from your teeth thus protecting them from decay.
⇝ Regular visit to your dentist.